Today, I was going through my news feed and found a reference to Lunchbox, the movie. Lunchbox always reminds me of another story I read somewhere years ago. I was in sixth class, I think and the story was way older than that time. I just remember the crux of the story. So I'm writing it down with my additions to it.
Because it's something that deeply touched my heart.
It was about a little boy who exchanges letters with a girl whom he has never seen. How the exchange started, I don't remember. The letters are exchanged in between two different countries. As time passes, one day, the boy demands a picture of girl. The girl sends a picture and asks one in exchange, which is sent. She is pretty and is about his age only. The boy asks her to visit his country some time. She says she will try. Then again, a few years pass. The boy often asks her to come and she always say she will try.

Then the scene changes, the boy is a married man now. Many years have been passed. For a few years, he has not received anything from the girl's end. Even he doesn't send letters now. Right now, he is playing with his younger son and suddenly the doorbell rings. There is a parcel for him. He opens it to find a small box with his childhood picture and a letter. It's 'her' writing on the letter. It says-
"Hello, Jonathan, It is Martha.
You must be wondering why I stopped writing to you and why you have suddenly received this letter after so much time. There is something I want to tell you...
I am 71 and I'm writing this letter from my death-bed.
I know you are surprised. You knew me as a friend of your age. But I am not. The picture I sent you was real. It was from my times. Jonathan, I was 50 when we started exchanging letters. I was a widow. My children were settled with their own families and I was absolutely alone. Your letters at that time, gave my life a whole new character. I could be young again. I could pretend that I find the world as mysterious as you do. And to be honest, by pretending that, I actually started feeling the life once again.
It was not dull anymore. I had so much to write to you..and when not write, I had to look forward to your letters....!

You gave my life a whole new meaning, without even knowing that. You used to ask me to visit your country. I once did. I even came to visit you. Somewhere, my heart wanted me to tell you that I am your friend. But I knew how young you were. I knew what your reaction would have been. So I didn't. You were so young. So innocent. I came back to my home and continued with the letters.
Do not ever think I was in love with you. I was not. I was in love with myself. I was in love with the 18 year old girl who was alive once again in my imagination and in yours. With your help, I was re-living my youth.
And I can't thank you enough for that.
These are my last few words to this world. Remember Jon, No matter how old you get, there will always be a child inside you. But keeping that child alive, is the difficult work.
Thank you for keeping my soul alive. Be happy in your life. Forgive me if possible.