Good News ! I finally completed the 'A song of Ice and Fire' series. (Or may be it should be a 'bad news' as the next book is not due until next year !! ) :(
So, going through the series, I noticed something. As we all know by now, In GOT no one seems to be safe. Anyone can die anytime. All you can do is clutch your hopes and pray that the next death is not of your favorite character. :P

Talking about the seven Gods, Seven Gods belief is not only a Martin creation. They are present in our real world too. Although, the seven Gods of the world of Westeros are quite different from the Seven Gods of the real world. The Seven Gods of real world are the 'Seven Lucky Gods' present in Japanese mythology. They are Gods of good fortune. In the Westeros world, Gods are very different. And their difference is also a reason of my theory here.

She is not afraid of death and is one of the most unpredictable characters on the earth of Westeros. So, Valar Morghulis !
3) Maiden: Purity, innocence, love and beauty. These are the traits of the Maiden. So who better to fill this role, other than, Sansa Stark, the little bird.

Even with all that has happened with her in all five seasons, she is the epitome of innocence and beauty.
4) Smith: When I formed this theory, I was still on season 3 and Gendry was a major character. Now after the 5 books and almost 5 seasons, I am not very sure of this character's importance. But Gendry is the only character that fits this God and judging by his birth, he has a lot of scope for an important role.
5) Father: Okay here comes a little surprise. Father is a God that represents divine justice and judges the souls of the dead. This one was hard to select. Had Ned Stark been alive, he would have won this role in a second. But in his absence, I considered a number of people for this one and with every character I became more convinced that only one person can satisfy these criteria.

Brandon Stark.
Although, Bran is a child; after meeting with that three-eyed raven, he has changed a lot. And if we go by the book, he is the one divine character. So, Bran it is.
6) Crone: The crone! Without any delay I would announce, Tyrion Lannister ! My most favorite character in GOT. :)

I know, I know the Crone is an old lady, but the idea here is the personality, not the sex. Tyrion has the wisdom and foresight that are the features of Crone. Plus, Crone God is represented carrying a lantern and Tyrion is the one who will guide Dany later. :)
Yes, it does seem from the last scene that Jon is dead. But the thing is, if they kill Jon Snow, a number of stories will lose their importance. The mystery of Jon's mother, the consistent interest of Melisandre in Jon, White Walkers, all these stories are still not finished. Plus what about Ghost? And come on! We do not even care about Night watch, not at all if Jon Snow is not there !
I do believe that Jon Snow is not dead, or if he is, then he will return somehow. May be Melisandre will bring him back, or may be she will put him in another body, I don't know. But somehow, he will come back. After all, Melisandre's return on the wall can not be just a co-incidence.
So here are the 7 characters who I think, are immortal in the ever so mortal world of Game of Thrones. Let me know what you think of my theory. :)
For those who don't know, it's the book series of Game of Thrones. :)
So, going through the series, I noticed something. As we all know by now, In GOT no one seems to be safe. Anyone can die anytime. All you can do is clutch your hopes and pray that the next death is not of your favorite character. :P
But, but, but, in the midst of all these deaths, I still feel, there are some characters who can actually skip the merciless blade of GRRM. And it's not a random selection of my favorite characters, it is based on the series itself.
So who are they? Well, let's look at the theory first.
Just like our world, the world of Westeros has a number of Gods and deities. The Lord of Light, Old Gods, Seven Gods, Drowned God and Storm God and many more. Out of these, Seven Gods and the Old Gods seem to be more popular than the others. Now at present, I am interested in the Seven Gods.
So who are they? Well, let's look at the theory first.
Just like our world, the world of Westeros has a number of Gods and deities. The Lord of Light, Old Gods, Seven Gods, Drowned God and Storm God and many more. Out of these, Seven Gods and the Old Gods seem to be more popular than the others. Now at present, I am interested in the Seven Gods.

Talking about the seven Gods, Seven Gods belief is not only a Martin creation. They are present in our real world too. Although, the seven Gods of the world of Westeros are quite different from the Seven Gods of the real world. The Seven Gods of real world are the 'Seven Lucky Gods' present in Japanese mythology. They are Gods of good fortune. In the Westeros world, Gods are very different. And their difference is also a reason of my theory here.
My theory is, that these different Seven Gods depict those personalities which are necessary to remain alive or say are 'important enough' to remain alive in the Martin world. And, there are seven characters in the story who represent these Seven Gods in some way. So they are the ones who will make it alive through the end.
So let's see who are they.
So let's see who are they.
1) Mother: So who is the character that represents the 'Mother' God? Easy. Right? Daenerys Targaryen.

Even the Meereenese agree. MHYSA !!!
2) Stranger: The Stranger represents death and the unknown. Arya Stark fits this role completely.

3) Maiden: Purity, innocence, love and beauty. These are the traits of the Maiden. So who better to fill this role, other than, Sansa Stark, the little bird.

Even with all that has happened with her in all five seasons, she is the epitome of innocence and beauty.
4) Smith: When I formed this theory, I was still on season 3 and Gendry was a major character. Now after the 5 books and almost 5 seasons, I am not very sure of this character's importance. But Gendry is the only character that fits this God and judging by his birth, he has a lot of scope for an important role.

5) Father: Okay here comes a little surprise. Father is a God that represents divine justice and judges the souls of the dead. This one was hard to select. Had Ned Stark been alive, he would have won this role in a second. But in his absence, I considered a number of people for this one and with every character I became more convinced that only one person can satisfy these criteria.

Brandon Stark.
Although, Bran is a child; after meeting with that three-eyed raven, he has changed a lot. And if we go by the book, he is the one divine character. So, Bran it is.
6) Crone: The crone! Without any delay I would announce, Tyrion Lannister ! My most favorite character in GOT. :)

I know, I know the Crone is an old lady, but the idea here is the personality, not the sex. Tyrion has the wisdom and foresight that are the features of Crone. Plus, Crone God is represented carrying a lantern and Tyrion is the one who will guide Dany later. :)
7) Warrior: Okay! So when I wrote this post, finale was still pending. The two qualities of the Warrior are strength and courage. So I chose ...guess who?
Yup! Jon Snow!
After the finale, I reconsidered this one and after a lot of thinking, I reached on the conclusion that I am still right about this.
I do believe that Jon Snow is not dead, or if he is, then he will return somehow. May be Melisandre will bring him back, or may be she will put him in another body, I don't know. But somehow, he will come back. After all, Melisandre's return on the wall can not be just a co-incidence.
So here are the 7 characters who I think, are immortal in the ever so mortal world of Game of Thrones. Let me know what you think of my theory. :)
Nice post Aradhya. I especially like the idea of John Snow coming back :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Armin :)